This was Tikka at 7am waiting for me to get ready for our run...not looking to impressed with me since I must have been taking to long making my smoothie for when I got back home!
This is a Happy doggie after our 5 miles, then a quick shower and off to work with my smoothie!
Type: Run (am)
Planned duration: 0:50....Actual 49minutes
Planned distance: 5.0 miles...Check!
Type: cardio/weights...Ripped 1000 DVD (pm)
..Yes, I did it again today!...Love it!
Planned duration: 0:30...Actual 55minutes!
It was a looong day at work, so I was glad to have my run out of the way when I got home! But, I wanted to unwind a little, so you would think a nice glass of red wine and a warm bath RIGHT!!! Well not tonight...instead I was all geared up to do my Jari Love DVD again??? I know I must be crazy, but I took advantage of my motivation and fired up the x-box and pulled out my weights as Tikka watched me from her walk on the treadmill! She walked 55 minutes while I strengthened my gluteus medius and piriformis :)....LOL, but, these muscles are usually imbalanced in runners that don't strength train or stretch.So to prevent Injury and shelving my runners I blasted thru this workout! However, I shouldn't do theses back to back...I need to recover at least 24 hours to also prevent injury...or I will cause injury trying to prevent it! To much of a good thing is bad...I won't engage again till Tuesday!...............Now its time for that long bath!!!!!!