Sunday, January 17, 2010

7 miles broken down--8:00pm
2mile warm up pace  9:05
then 8x400m at 7:35 pace with 8x400 at 9:05 between
then 1 mile cool cool down pace 9:45

Weekly Total :
 Run----------37.5 miles
Walk---------15 miles
Weights-------3 hours

This week is going to be my last week of the 12 week pre - marathon training! Then, next week the 18 week  marathon training begins ;0.

My 4 year old niece is staying over tomorrow night for a sleep over...Yippeee! So, I gotta get to bed since I have to run 6 miles and do 1 hour of weight in the morning before 9am work!!! That way I will  have the night for my hubby and niece!!!

I Wish ....... there was more than 24hrs in a day!!! :)

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