Wednesday, March 31, 2010

19 miles

 Again, I can't believe its the end of March! Where does time go? Training is coming along nicely. 

Today I had 16 miles scheduled but thought I'd do an even 3 hour run which ended up making it 19 miles.

Most of my training references have me written up to do a slow conversational pace at 9:27 - 10:27 and heart rate around 70%.....seems slow hey!  But, this is my first marathon so I am taking the word of the experts to heart! fingers crossed for no injuries! They, (Hal Higgins and Greg McMillan....yes I have two personal programs that I have mashed together), state that this once weekly long run should be SLOW. So I did exactly that with the help of "Mr. Garmin"!  I kept my heart rate between 72 and 75% and my pace avg was 9:45.  I was asked to do 1 min pick ups from time to time during the run if I felt frisky :) I did! and it felt great.  I finished in 3 hours which ended up being 19 miles (including warm up). I finished the run off with a quick chocolate boost drink and finally I feel confident that I will be able to complete the marathon.

Oh, and I did a 15 minute ice bath after my run this morning. It was a struggle getting in. But, I took some advice from other bloggers and placed the ice in there after I was submerged in the cold water. I also had some nice hot green tea and my runners magazine to occupy my mind while time seemed to stand still. It wasn't that bad, a lot of shivering in the legs and the feet got a bit painful. Hopefully my lower limbs will feel the benefits tomorrow!

I am having tummy issues at around mile 10 of my long runs and I am not sure why? It may be  related to pre-run fuel or fuel during the run? I am still doing the trial and error thing with that. I used only 1 Gu gel today because I was tying it out...not to bad overall so I think I may stick with this. My next issue is hydration...I totally dislike the belts and I tried a hand held but felt so irritated holding it for so long???

23 more sleeps before vacation time!  I couldn't have picked a better time to go on vacation...NOT....I will be at my peak mileage and on vacation, I hope I can do that! But, on the positive side, I can't wait to do early morning runs in Maui!

 Have a great week and Happy Easter

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Saturday was my first road race of 2010 :) ....The Original St. Patrick’s Day Road Race 10K.

Place   O/A  Bib#    Name       Div     Pace    Chip time 
25/117  251/653  76 BRYAN, Barbara  F3039 08:15  00:51:04.00

Since I'm relatively new to Calgary and have never did this run before I was unfamiliar with the course.  I had attended the 27th Annual Calgary Therapeutics Conference on March 3/4 at the U of C so I decided to walk  the 5km repeat loop to see the elevations. I was quite happy to find out it was flat with just a few short inclines.

My hubby had to work at 7am the morning of the race so I was up at 5:30am with him to have a light breakfast. I usually work Saturdays so no biggie getting up early, but that day I took a vacation day to do the race.

When I look Tikka out for her am bathroom run it was quite windy and cold! Great I thought...I have to change my plans on wearing capri's. So I opted for long Nike running pants and a base layer long sleeve thumb hook shirt, (a new obsession), and the race long sleeve shirt, (for the green color...Happy St. Patty's)....I guess you can figure out I don't like to be cold!

I  parked about a mile away from the start, (in Charleswood), so that I could have a warm up run before the race. I just made it in time to the start!!! which was good since I didn't have time to cool down, but I got a bit anxious that I would be late! Next time I willl park close and run repeats close to the race! I started off in the back of the group which made for a slow start trying to pass by other runners. After I got out on 24th ave things thinned out and it became a great race. I did pr for a 10k (51:04)...I only have did 1 other 10k (53:13) so my goal for the Glencoe ice breaker 10K on April11th is 49:59 !! I want to break thru the 50 min 10k! I have a lot of speed work in my training schedule starting this week, so hopefully this will help me with this goal :).

After the race I did a quick cool down run and headed back to the McMahon Stadium for a snack and to see if I could see any familiar faces, (bloggers), that I may know, but, no such luck....hopefully at Glencoe!!!!!
Then I headed to my sisters for a visit and a rest!!! Overall a great day!

Now its time for my 7 mile run ... since I swapped Mondays workout for Thursdays (it was pub night so cross training was easier for me to fit in on Monday). Tomorrow is hills so we'll see if that was a good idea :)

Barb :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 14th !!! I have been Crazy Busy

Wow...where does time go?  I have been extra super busy with work the last 3 weeks and I have missed blogging  8)...But 24 hrs  really only allowed me to  Run, Work , Eat  and Sleep ( that order!! LOL). Things are winding down at work but now creeping up at home since we are in the process of selling and buying! Fun times 8)....That vacation to Maui can't come fast enough.

Even though I was (am) busy I did keep my marathon training on schedule (see above)!  My 14 miles on Wednesday went very well. However, I did not have time to prepare a post run smoothie to take with me so I grabbed a boost meal replacement (recommended by Mr Greg McMillan himself) 

The Runner's Ultimate Nutritional Recovery Routine (RUNRR)

This actually worked really well! I felt great after and the next day on Thursday I had no problem X-training (no soreness at all)! Also the 15 minute dreaded ice bath was good on the knees 8)  

I am doing the Original St. Patrick's Day 10K Race tomorrow so I hope all goes well!

Have a great weekend
Cheers 8)