Friday, March 12, 2010

March 14th !!! I have been Crazy Busy

Wow...where does time go?  I have been extra super busy with work the last 3 weeks and I have missed blogging  8)...But 24 hrs  really only allowed me to  Run, Work , Eat  and Sleep ( that order!! LOL). Things are winding down at work but now creeping up at home since we are in the process of selling and buying! Fun times 8)....That vacation to Maui can't come fast enough.

Even though I was (am) busy I did keep my marathon training on schedule (see above)!  My 14 miles on Wednesday went very well. However, I did not have time to prepare a post run smoothie to take with me so I grabbed a boost meal replacement (recommended by Mr Greg McMillan himself) 

The Runner's Ultimate Nutritional Recovery Routine (RUNRR)

This actually worked really well! I felt great after and the next day on Thursday I had no problem X-training (no soreness at all)! Also the 15 minute dreaded ice bath was good on the knees 8)  

I am doing the Original St. Patrick's Day 10K Race tomorrow so I hope all goes well!

Have a great weekend
Cheers 8)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I am impressed on one hand and totally exhausted on the other, just looking at your schedule! Glad to see you do have rest days!
