Monday, February 1, 2010

February is Heart Health month!

Type: Run
Planned duration: 0:45...Actual 48 minutes
Planned distance: 5.0 miles...check :)

Hal's plan wanted this to be a fun run at whatever comfortable pace that suited my mood and that's what Tikka and I did this morning. It was a beautiful morning and I just ran for the love of it with no plan! I felt energized after, but poor Tikka was sooo tired! She slept like a log until her dog walker came to get her for a hike with her dog buddies. We have a dog walker twice weekly on the days we work to get her out of the house to doggie socialize! I know, I know.... but my excuse is that we have no children other than a 4 legged one!

I had pre-prepared my ritual smoothie before my run again and it was nice to know it was waiting for me when I got home! and it was yummy!!!

So, February is heart health month!!! Click here and see where Alberta ranks in relation to the rest of Canada for 2010...very interesting results!  "The Perfect Storm".

One of the best things you can do for your heart health is to rev up your exercise program. Many sources state that you have to stress your heart with vigorous exercise at least twice a week for 30 minutes each session to give your heart what it needs to stay strong and healthy. (remember to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen). Physical activity helps to prevent the development of coronary artery disease and reduces symptoms in people who already have cardiovascular disease. American Heart Association. AHA Scientific Statement, Exercise and Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease” Circulation 2003;107:3109. So, I am happy to assume us runners are probably pretty heart healthy.

 But, since it is heart health month I want to bring up these questions which cross my mind as a surprising paradox? Is more than 30 minutes of vigorous exercise  twice weekly harmful? Probably not!What about running marathons? Is too much of a good thing bad? Read the following links! What do you think?
Sudden Death
Are Marathons Dangerous? 
Questions & Answers 

I feel that if you have or think you have risk factors for heart disease then you definitely should take the heart and stroke risk assessment here Risk assessment. If you discover you are at risk of a cardiac event you now know and knowledge is powerful! You and your doctor can start taking the steps to help reduce your risk.

There are way more studies that show that exercise matters in a positive way for a healthy heart, so, eat well, get lots of rest and train hard but train smart according to your risks!

I like this:

Quote from Todd Beniot........"I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years."

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